Rasa Weber is a passionate lecturer. She gained experience lecturing at the University of the Arts Berlin, University Anhalt Dessau, Berlin International University, OCAD University Toronto, University of Leeds a.o. Currently she is a lecturer and researcher at ZhdK Zürich.

Her courses focus on sustainable design strategies, material research, narrative design and film for designers and architects as well as basic design fundaments such as sketching, prototyping and concept development.


2024   Emergent Technologies: Prototyping Ecologies "When Shit hits the Fan. A project on prototyping ecological relations of faeces." With Lukas Franciszkiewicz, MA Interaction Design & Industrial Design, ZHdK (CH).

2024   "Designing a Skin for Floating"  - Sustainable Material Practice, Floating University,  BA Architecture,Berlin International University (DE). 

2024   MA Interaction Design (thesis supervisor), Interaction Design, with Karmen Franinović,  Joel Bitton, Verena Ziegler, Max Rheiner, Duy Bui, ZHdK (CH).

2024   "Wild Thinks", MA Interaction Design, Studio 5, Cima Citta, ZHdK (CH).

2023   MA finals, supervision, with Prof. Dr. Franinovic, Dr Kirschner, Speziali, Bitton, Interaction Design & Science Communication, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

2023   "More-than-human Slowness - Multispecies Design Ethnography with the Camera", MA Interaction Design, ZHdK (CH).

2023   “Walking Water Ways“, with Noemi Chow, Interaction Design & Science Communication, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

2023   “Water Futures Pavilion 2“, Sustainable Material Practice, BA Architecture, with Floating Univesity, Berlin International University.

2022   BA finals, theory supervision, with Prof. Dr. Fischer, Interior Design & Architecture, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

2022   “Storytelling with the Camera for Designers“, Interaction Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

2022   “Water Futures“, Master Think Tank, all design departments, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

Since 2021   “Digital Fabrication“, with Verena ZIegler, 1st Semester BA of Interaction Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.

Since 2021   “Artistic and Experimental Basics - Object Experience“, with Verena ZIegler, 1st Semester BA of Interaction Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.   

2022   "Water Futures Pavilion" Lectureship for “Sustainable Design“ with Floating University, at Berlin International University (BAU), BA Interior Design, Berlin.

2021 "Circular Pavilion" Lectureship for “Sustainable Design“ at Berlin International University (BAU), BA Interior Design, Berlin.

2020 Lectureship for “Sustainable Pigments“ in Packaging Design at Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin

2021 - 2020   Lectureship for “Film as a narrative tool for Designers and Architects“ at Hochschule Anhalt, MA Integrated Design, Dessau

2020 - 2019   Lectureship for Sustainable Materials Research, “Growing Architecture - Microalgae as new biomaterial for our urban landscape?“ & “Transformative Matter - new materials for rege- nerative modes of building“, MA Digital + Experimental Design, University of the Arts, Berlin

2017 Lectureship for the use of“ Sustainable Pigments“ in textile printing at KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, BA & MA, Copenhagen, Denmark

2016   Lectureship on “Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of Leeds School of Design, Great Britai

2016   Lectureship on the Kitchen of the Anthropocene, with Karl W. Grosse at Hochschule Anhalt, MA, Dessau

2015 - 2017 Student assistant at Cluster of Excellence: “Image Knowledge Gestaltung“, with Karl W. Grosse “Kitchen of the Anthropocene“, Humboldt University, Berlin       

2013 - 2015 Student assistant at Cluster of Excellence: “Image Knowledge Gestaltung“, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner, department: Architectures of Knowledge, Humboldt University, Berlin 

Rasa Weber is a passionate lecturer. She has taught at Berlin University of the Arts, University Anhalt Dessau, Berlin International University, OCAD University Toronto, University of Leeds, RCA London and others. She is currently a lecturer and researcher at Zurich University of the Arts (CH).

Her courses focus on critical ecology, environmental design strategies, materials research, narrative design, film for designers & architects, and design fundamentals such as sketching, prototyping and concept development.













"Composing Compost. Insect Cities for Urban Metabolism", Sustainable Material Practice, Floating University,

BA Architecture, Berlin International University.

"When Shit hits the Fan. A project on prototyping ecological relations of faeces." Emergent Technologies: Prototyping Ecologies with Lukas Franciszkiewicz, MA Interaction Design & Industrial Design, ZHdK (CH).

"Designing a Skin for Floating", Sustainable Material Practice, Floating University, BA Architecture,Berlin International University.

MA Interaction Design (thesis supervisor), Interaction Design, with Karmen Franinović, Joel Bitton, Verena Ziegler, Max Rheiner, Duy Bui, ZHdK (CH).

"Wild Thinks", MA Interaction Design, Studio 5, Cima Citta, ZHdK (CH).

MA thesis supervision (2nd supervisor), Interaction Design, with Prof. Dr. Franinović, Dr. Kirschner, Dr. Bitton,

Speziali, ZHdK (CH).

"More-than-human Slowness - Multispecies Design Ethnography with the Camera", MA Interaction Design, ZHdK (CH).

"Walking Water Ways - Design Ethnography of Water", with Noemi Chow, Science Communication & Interaction

Design, ZHdK (CH).

"Slowciety - a speculative design scenario for lowering the work ethics", Studio 1, with Time's Up - Tina Auer, Tim

Boykett, Eva-Maria Spreitzer, Prof. Dr. Franinovic, ZHdK (CH).

"Water Futures Pavilion" at Floating University, Sustainable Material Practice, BA Architecture, Berlin International University.

MA thesis supervision (2nd supervisor) & Studio 4, Interaction Design, ZHdK (CH).

BA thesis supervision (1st supervisor), Interior Design & Architecture, Berlin International University.   

“Digital Fabrication“, 1st Semester BA, Interaction Design, ZHdK (CH).

“Artistic and Experimental Basics - Object Experience“, 1st Semester BA, Interaction Design at ZHdK (CH).

“Dark Fluidity: An immersive exploration of liquid ontologies in practice along the multispecies material ecologies of the river Schwärze.“, with Prof. Dr. Claudia Maries (design theory), Dr. Jen Clark (anthropology), Sabrina Bühn (ecologist), Dr. Maxime le Calvé (anthropology), Matters of Activity, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Autumn School "Frictioned Functionality: Un/Designing Un/Sustainable Matter", organization & curation,

with Prof. Dr. Robert Stock, Prof. Dr. Claudia Mareis, James Auger, Joe Lockwood, Khashayar Razghandi ,

Matters of Activity, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

“Water Futures - Design Fieldwork on the Future of Water“, Master Think Tank Design, ZHdK (CH).

“Narrative Design Strategies - AV + sketching for Storytelling", MA Interaction Design, ZHdK (CH).

“Future of Water Pavilion", Sustainable Design, BA Architecture & Interior Design, Berlin International University.

“Digital Fabrication“, Interaction Design at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH. 

“Artistic and Experimental Basics - Object Experience“, 1st Semester BA, Interaction Design at Zürcher

Hochschule der Künste, CH.       

"A Circular Pavilion", Seminar “Sustainable Design“, BA & MA Interior Design, Berlin International University.

“Film as a narrative tool for Designers and Architects“ at Hochschule Anhalt, MA Integrated Design, Dessau.

“Sustainable Pigments“ in Packaging Design at Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW, Berlin.

“Film as a narrative tool for Designers and Architects“ at Hochschule Anhalt, MA Integrated Design, Dessau.

“Growing Architecture - Microalgae as new biomaterial for our urban landscape?“,  Sustainable Materials Research, Digital + Experimental Design, University of the Arts, Berlin.

“Transformative Matter - new materials for regenerative modes of building“, MA Digital + Experimental Design, University of the Arts, Berlin.

“Sustainable Pigments in textile printing" at KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, BA & MA, Copenhagen, DK.

“Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of Leeds School of Design, UK.

"The Kitchen of the Anthropocene", with Karl W. Grosse at Hochschule Anhalt, MA, Dessau.

Student assistant at Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung“, with Dr. Karl W. Grosse, Research project: Kitchen of the Anthropocene, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.        

Student assistant at Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung“, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner,

research project: Architectures of Knowledge, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.  

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