2025 tba: "Fieldscapes - a situated approach to multispecies design." STS-Hub '25 "Diffracting the Critical". Co-chairing of the panel with Emma Sicher.
tba: "Planetary Experiments: Environments by Design", German Design Council & TU Dresden, Organized by: Michaela Büsse and Johanna Mehl (TU Dresden), Bianca Herlo and Lynn Harles (DGTF).
2024 "333 saftige Papayas."
Reading at Queer Museum Vienna, AT.
"A Whispering World. Design Research as a Tuning into Marine
Environments." Kein Kino, Zurich University of the Arts, CH.
"A Whispering World. Words by a Silent Ocean." Exhibition Opening and BLUE Talk at French Embassy Berlin, DE.
"333 saftige Papayas." Book Release at Südblock Aquarium, Berlin, DE.
"333 saftige Papayas." Reading at Frankfurter Buchmesse, Queer Gold, Frankfurtersalon, Frankfurt, DE.
"What if the Ocean were a City, and its Dwellers Fish?" Holitopia Festival, HTW Berlin, DE.
"Coming Full Circle."
Panel Diskussion, Architektur Kultur Stiftung, München by Julia Hindernik.
"Marine Un/commons: On Why Maybe We Shouldn't Be Here."
PhD Progress Presentation "Testing Un/Common Grounds" at Matters of Activity, Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
"On the Im-Possibility of Becoming Amphibious." Design Academy Eindhoven (online), Studio Silva Systems, Eindhoven NL.
"Reclaiming contact zones through interspecies underwater architecture." Podcast with BioBAT Art Space New York, "Water Stories" with Eve Barro,Online.
"What I talk about when I talk about diving. A designer in the ocean." Symposium: "Multispecies. More-than-human. Design after the Anthropocene." Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin. Curated by Claudia Banz & Lynn Harles. With: Eben Kirksey, Anja Wegner, Superflux et al.
"Nature's Wisdom." Open Discussion by the Conscious Travel Foundation. (Online). Moderation: Portia Hart, Maudie Tomlinson & Olivia Cryer.
"Ocean is my Method." Gestalterisch Forschen Symposium. Burg Halle Giebichenstein (online), DE.
2023 "A Coral Garden for Tierra Bomba. A Blasted Seascape." BBB Talk at Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence. Humboldt Univ. of Berlin, DE.
"Breathe! Diving with the Medusa." POEM (Poets of Migration) presents: Humano Biotop II: Das Leben der Zukunftskollektive. Volksbühne Berlin, Roter Salon, Berlin, DE.
"Of Other Reefs – Designing Habitats in Marine Environments"
Biocalibrated: Tools and Techniques for Biodesign practices Symposium Central Saint Martins UAL, London, UK.
"Interfacing the Ocean." Anthea Oestreicher & Rasa Weber, Social Science & Humanities Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung Strategy Group, Helmholz-Zentrum HEREON, Geesthacht, DE.
"Impurity by Design. A Queer Ecological Journey." Climate Care Festival. Floating University. Part of A workshop with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het Nieuwe Instituut & Zoönomic Institute): How to Zoöp?, Berlin, DE.
"Sympoietic Design in the Ocean." Cluster Matters of Activity (MoA, Humboldt University) and Center of Excellence (STIM, University of Split), Shared event with Cluster PIs Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner, Split, HVR.
"Of Other Reefs - designing marine habitats in aquatic ruins."
Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence, PhD Progress Presentation, Humboldt University of Berlin, DE.
"A Sympoietic Ocean. Design research with/in the
marine holobiont." ISEA 23 Conference - Symbiosis", Forum des Images, Paris, FR.
"PhD in Design" Industrial Design, Prof. Ineke Hans, University of the Arts, Berlin, DE
"Design with/in Troubled Waters." Critical Ecologies Group, Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault, École des Beaux-
Arts de Paris, FR.
„Neue Werkstoffe – ist die Industrie bereit für die
Nachwuchsziele der Gen Z?" Panel discussion,
curated by German Design Council, at
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Design Weeks, Frankfurt, DE.
"Aquatory Entwerfen?" Lecture series: "Tief im Ozean Tauchgänge in Aquatische Wissens- und
Imaginationsräume.", Department of Cultural
Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin, DE.
"Serious Games. Playing with/in Material Ecologies." Lecture Series. Department: Product design, Prof. Axel Kufus, University of the Arts, Berlin, DE.
2022 "Bye Bye Extractivism? - On the exploitation, collaboration, & co-creation of biomaterials.“ Talk and Discussion at the Innovation Design Engineering Department MA/MSc Royal College of Art, London, UK.
"Collaborations as Environmental Interactions", Co-lecturer: Karmen Franinovic, Transdiciplinary Artistic Conference, ZHdK, Zürich, CH.
"Underwater Attunement. Underwater field methods between marine biology and design research", Co-author: Anja Wegner, Jordan Lab, Max Planck for Animal Behavior; »Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human.« Swiss Design Networks Conference, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.
"Circular Design. Why Materials Matter." Panel Discussion: »The
Visions«, curated by German Design Council, at K22, Düsseldorf, DE.
"+ - Zero“, Symposium »Situiert im Globalen: Konflikte, Kosten,
Atmosphären«, curated by Karin Harrasser and Thomas Macho, public discussion with Gloria Meynen, Kunstuniversität Linz, AT.
"Symbio-Design Futures – ein neues Entwurfsparadigma für materielles Wachstum in/mit mehr-als-menschlichen ökologischen Systemen"
Summer School »Mitten in der Zukunft – Entwürfe für nachhaltiges Denken und Handeln«, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, DE.
"Minus Zero. Interspecies Design in Underwater Environments."
Progress Presentation, Cluster Retreat, Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence. Humboldt University of Berlin, DE.
“From Mining to Growing. Biochemical explorations of designing in / with marine ecologies.“ Symposium »Creative Science: a collaborative journey through Design and Chemistry«, ASCUS Creative Producer, UK.
"Symbio-Design. Towards sympoietic materials research in the ocean." Deutsche Gesellschaft für Designforschung. Design X Sustainability, Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel, DE.
"Designing (in/through/with) the Ocean", Sustainability Science Dialogue ZHdK with Akademie der Naturwissenschaften SNCAT, Zürich, CH.
"Algae Futures", Speculative Futures, Ellery Studio, Berlin, DE.
2021 "Growing Matter", at Material Negotiations: Practices of biodesign, Matters of Activity, Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University Berlin, DE.
"The Art of Urban Mining", Change by Design, Online, USA.
"Growing Matter", Symposium On Interaction, ZhdK,
Kunstuniversität Linz, Ars Electronica, Linz, AT.
“Materialforschung in der Architektur - a female perspective on established systems”, Elemente Material Forum, Berlin, DE.
“Mining our Urban Futures“, with Anja Rosen Hochschule Trier, DE.
“CARBS - Concrete Kinetics“, Podiumsdiskussion mit Brandon Clifford, Gabriele Brandstetter, Kaye Geipel, at Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin, DE.
2020 “Algaemy - biomaterials for sustainable pigments“, at Alte Bekannte - panel discussion about bio-materials in design at Folkwang Universität, Essen, DE.
“Urban Terrazzo - a regenerative building material“ at Auf Sand Gebaut panel discussion about the future of concrete at ABK, Stuttgart, DE.
“Living Colors - Color and materials research for sustainable businesses“ at Local International symposium at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, DE.
“Transformative Matter - materials research for our sustainable Future?“ at Harbourfront Center, Toronto, CAN.
2019 “Sustainable Materials for Architecture and Design“
at Sustainable Brands Paris at Carrousel du Louvre, Paris (FR)
“Transformative Matter - materials research for architecture and design“ at Berlin International University, Berlin
2018 "Material I Design I Strategies – How to create narratives through materials research“ at Transitions Conference 2, University of Huddersfield (UK)
Talking Colors, Artist Talk @ Textilskolen Holte (DK)
2016 “Berlin Colors“, Artist Talk with Studio Blond & Bieber at Goethe-Institut, Los Angeles (USA)
“Color is not a trend - redefining color in materials research“, The Future of Colors Symposium at University of Leeds (UK)
“Future of Fashion“ with Anouk Tan at Amsterdam Fashion Week (NL)
2015 “The unexpected role of Algae for our Future“ at Ted X, Hamburg
“Futur Crafts - working between Tradition and Technology“ at “Radical Design Interventions“ Symposium, Hochschule Luzern (CH)
“Futur Crafts - working between Tradition and Technology“ at “Radical Design Interventions“ Symposium, Hochschule Luzern (CH)
2014 “Algaemy - envisioning Future Crafts“ at Royal College of Arts, London(UK) I Biotalk 10, Mediamatic Amsterdam (NL) I Transitions Symposium, Huddersfield (UK) I Fashionhotel Zürich (CH) I Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde Leiden (NL) I Textilskolen Holte (DK) I Naturkundemuseum Bayern et al.
2021 “Natur Futur - Printing with Algae" Naturkunde-museum Berlin, Bioökonomoerat, Berlin
“Sustainable Pigments in Packaging Design" at Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Education Tool Box mit Marie Wolf (Grafik) / Location: Stattlab e.v., Berlin
"Sustainable Building Workshop" for LXSY Architekten, at
CRCLR House, Berlin
2019 "Living Colors – Drucken und Färben mit Mikroalgen“ Studio Blond & Bieber at Naturkundemuseum Bayern, Biotopia "Hautnah", Munich
"We Don't Work..." Kollaborative Workshopserie for LXSY Architekten, New Work at Lobe Block, Berlin
2017 “Sustainable Pigments for textile printing" at KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, BA & MA, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Printing with Algae" at Cee Cee Berlin, Freunde von Freunden, Berlin
2016 “Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of Leeds School of Design, Great Britain
"The Kitchen of the Anthropocene" at Hochschule Anhalt with Karl W.Grosse , MA, Dessau
“Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of Leeds School of Design, Great Britain
2025 tba: "Fieldscapes - a situated approach to multispecies design."
STS-Hub '25 "Diffracting the Critical". Co-chairing of the panel
tba: "Planetary Experiments: Environments by Design." German Design
Council & TU Dresden, Organized by: Michaela Büsse and Johanna Mehl
(TU Dresden), Bianca Herlo and Lynn Harles (DGTF).
2024 "333 saftige Papayas." Reading at Queer Museum Vienna, AT.
"A Whispering World. Design Research as a Tuning into Marine
Environments." Kein Kino, Zurich University of the Arts, CH.
"A Whispering World. Words by a Silent Ocean." Exhibition Opening and
BLUE Talk at French Embassy Berlin, DE.
"333 saftige Papayas." Book Release at Südblock Aquarium, Berlin, DE.
"333 saftige Papayas." Reading at Frankfurter Buchmesse, Queer Gold,
Frankfurtersalon, Frankfurt, DE.
"What if the Ocean were a City, and its Dwellers Fish?" Holitopia Festival,
HTW Berlin, DE.
"Coming Full Circle." Panel Diskussion, Architektur Kultur Stiftung,
München by Julia Hindernik.
"Marine Un/commons: On Why Maybe We Shouldn't Be Here." PhD
Progress Presentation "Testing Un/Common Grounds" at Matters of
Activity, Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
"On the Im-Possibility of Becoming Amphibious." Design Academy
Eindhoven (online), Studio Silva Systems, Eindhoven NL.
"Reclaiming contact zones through interspecies underwater architecture."
Podcast with BioBAT Art Space New York, "Water Stories" with Eve Barro, Online.
"What I talk about when I talk about diving. A designer in the ocean."
Symposium: "Multispecies. More-than-human. Design after the
Anthropocene." Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin. Curated by Claudia Banz& Lynn Harles. With: Eben Kirksey, Anja Wegner, Superflux et al.
"Nature's Wisdom." Open Discussion by the Conscious Travel
Foundation. (Online). Moderation: Portia Hart, Maudie Tomlinson &
Olivia Cryer.
"Ocean is my Method." Gestalterisch Forschen Symposium. Burg Halle
2023 "A Coral Garden for Tierra Bomba. A Blasted Seascape." BBB Talk at Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence. Humboldt Univ. of Berlin, DE.
"Breathe! Diving with the Medusa." POEM (Poets of Migration) presents:
Humano Biotop II: Das Leben der Zukunftskollektive. Volksbühne Berlin,
Roter Salon, Berlin, DE.
"Of Other Reefs – Designing Habitats in Marine Environments"
Biocalibrated: Tools and Techniques for Biodesign practices Symposium
Central Saint Martins UAL, London, UK.
"Interfacing the Ocean." Anthea Oestreicher & Rasa Weber, Social
Science & Humanities Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung Strategy
Group, Helmholz-Zentrum HEREON, Geesthacht, DE.
"Impurity by Design. A Queer Ecological Journey." Climate Care Festival.
Floating University. Part of A workshop with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het
Nieuwe Instituut & Zoönomic Institute): How to Zoöp?, Berlin, DE.
"Sympoietic Design in the Ocean." Cluster Matters of Activity (MoA,
Humboldt University) and Center of Excellence (STIM, University of Split), Shared event with Cluster PIs Prof. Dr. Horst Bredekamp & Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang Schäffner, Split, HVR.
"Of Other Reefs - designing marine habitats in aquatic ruins."
Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence, PhD Progress Presentation,
Humboldt University of Berlin, DE.
"A Sympoietic Ocean. Design research with/in the marine holobiont."
ISEA 23 Conference - Symbiosis", Forum des Images, Paris, FR.
"PhD in Design." Industrial Design, Prof. Ineke Hans, University of the
Arts, Berlin, DE.
"Design with/in Troubled Waters." Critical Ecologies Group, Prof. Dr.
Patricia Ribault, École des Beaux-Arts de Paris, FR.
„Neue Werkstoffe – ist die Industrie bereit für die Nachwuchsziele der
Gen Z?" Panel discussion, curated by German Design Council, at
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Design Weeks, Frankfurt, DE.
"Aquatory Entwerfen?" Lecture series: "Tief im Ozean Tauchgänge in
Aquatische Wissens- und Imaginationsräume.", Department of Cultural
Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin, DE.
"Serious Games. Playing with/in Material Ecologies." Lecture Series.
Department: Product design, Prof. Axel Kufus, University of the Arts,
Berlin, DE.
2022 "Bye Bye Extractivism? - On the exploitation, collaboration, & co- creation of biomaterials.“ Talk and Discussion at the Innovation Design
Engineering Department MA/MSc Royal College of Art London, UK.
"Collaborations as Environmental Interactions", Co-lecturer: Karmen
Franinovic, Transdiciplinary Artistic Conference, ZHdK, Zürich, CH.
"Getting Attuned to the Ocean. Underwater field methods between marine
biology and design research", Co-author: Anja Wegner, Jordan Lab, Max Planck Institute Animal Behavior; »Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human.« Swiss Design Networks Conference, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, CH.
"Circular Design. Why Materials Matter." Panel Discussion: »The
Visions«, curated by German Design Council, at K22, Düsseldorf, DE.
"+ - Zero“, Symposium »Situiert im Globalen: Konflikte, Kosten,
Atmosphären«, curated by Karin Harrasser and Thomas Macho, public
discussion with Gloria Meynen, Kunstuniversität Linz, AT.
"Symbio-Design Futures – ein neues Entwurfsparadigma für materielles
Wachstum in/mit mehr-als-menschlichen ökologischen Systemen"
Summer School »Mitten in der Zukunft – Entwürfe für nachhaltiges
Denken und Handeln«, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, DE.
"Minus Zero. Interspecies Design in Underwater Environments."
PhD Progress Presentation, Cluster Retreat, Matters of Activity. Cluster of
Excellence. Humboldt University of Berlin, DE.
“From Mining to Growing. Biochemical explorations of designing in / with
marine ecologies.“ Symposium »Creative Science: a collaborative journey
through Design and Chemistry«, ASCUS Creative Producer, UK.
"Symbio-Design. Towards sympoietic materials research in the ocean",
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Designforschung. Design X Sustainability,
Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel, DE.
"Designing (in/through/with) the Ocean", Sustainability Science Dialogue
ZHdK with Akademie der Naturwissenschaften SNCAT, Zürich, CH.
"Algae Futures", Speculative Futures, Ellery Studio, Berlin, DE.
2021 "The Art of Urban Mining II", Change by Design, Manuel León Ponce
Design and Arts Seminars Inc., Online, USA.
"Growing Matter", at Material Negotiations: Practices of Biodesign,
Matters of Activity, Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt University, Berlin.
"Urban Terrazzo - the Arts of Urban Mining", Materiability Lab,
University Anhalt Dessau, DE.
"The Art of Urban Mining", Change by Design, Manuel León Ponce Design
and Arts Seminars Inc., Online, USA.
"Growing Matter", Symposium On Interaction, ZhdK, Kunstuniversität Linz, Ars Electronica, Linz, AT.
“Materialforschung in der Architektur - a female perspective on
established systems”, Elemente Material Forum, Berlin, DE.
“Mining our Urban Futures“, with Anja Rosen Hochschule Trier, DE.
“CARBS - Concrete Kinetics“, Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Brandon
Clifford, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter, Kaye Geipel, at Aedes Architecture Forum, Berlin, DE.
2020 “Algaemy - biomaterials for sustainable pigments“, at Alte Bekannte - panel discussion about bio-materials in design at Folkwang Universität, Essen, DE.
“Urban Terrazzo - a regenerative building material“ at Auf Sand
Gebaut - panel discussion about the future of concrete at ABK,
Stuttgart, DE.
“Living Colors - Color and materials research for sustainable
businesses“ at Local International symposium at Kunsthochschule
Berlin Weißensee, DE.
“Transformative Matter - materials research for our sustainable
Future?“ at Harbourfront Center, Toronto, CAN.
2019 “Sustainable Materials for Architecture and Design“
at Sustainable Brands Paris at Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, FR.
“Transformative Matter - materials research for architecture and
design“ at Berlin International University, Berlin, DE.
2018 “Material I Design I Strategies – How to create narratives through
materials research“ at Transitions Conference 2, University of
Huddersfield, UK.
Talking Colors, Artist Talk @ Textilskole Hote, DK.
2016 “Berlin Colors“, Artist Talk with Studio Blond & Bieber at Goethe-
Institut Los Angeles, USA.
“Color is not a trend - redefining color in materials research“, The
Future of Colors Symposium at University of Leeds, UK.
“Future of Fashion“ with Anouk Tan at Amsterdam Fashion Week, NL.
2015 “The unexpected role of Algae for our Future“ at Ted X, Hamburg
“Futur Crafts - working between Tradition and Technology“ at
“Radical Design Interventions“ Symposium, Hochschule Luzern, CH.
2014 “Algaemy - envisioning Future Crafts“ at Royal College of Arts,
London (UK), Biotalk 10, Mediamatic Amsterdam (NL) I Transitions
Symposium, Huddersfield (UK) I Fashionhotel Zürich (CH) I
Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde Leiden (NL) I Textilskolen Holte (DK) I
Naturkundemuseum Bayern et al.
2021 Drucken mit Algen. NaturFutur: Bioökonomie-Labor. Museum für
Naturkunde Berlin, DE.
“Sustainable Pigments in Packaging Design" at Hochschule für
Technik und Wirtschaft, Education Tool Box mit Marie Wolf (Grafik),
Location: Stattlab e.v., Berlin, DE.
"Sustainable Building Workshop" for LXSY Architekten, at
CRCLR House Berlin, DE.
2019 "Living Colors – Drucken und Färben mit Mikroalgen“ Studio Blond
& Bieber at Naturkundemuseum Bayern, Biotopia "Hautnah", Munich, DE.
"We Don't Work..." Collaborative Workshopseries for LXSY Architekten,
New Work at Lobe Block, Berlin, DE.
2017 “Sustainable Pigments for textile printing" at KEA Copenhagen
School of Design and Technology, BA & MA, Copenhagen, DK.
"Printing with Algae" at Cee Cee Berlin, Freunde von Freunden, Berlin,DE.
2016 “Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of
Leeds School of Design, UK.
"The Kitchen of the Anthropocene" at Hochschule Anhalt with
Karl W.Grosse , MA, Dessau, DE.
“Narrative Design Strategies - Talking Bodies“ at University of Leeds
School of Design, UK,
"Reclaiming contact zones through interspecies underwater architecture." Podcast with BioBAT Art Space New York, "Water Stories" with Eve Barro, Online.
"Breathe! Diving with the Medusa." POEM (Poets of Migration) presents: Humano Biotop II: Das Leben der Zukunftskollektive. Volksbühne Berlin, Roter Salon. Video: Henry Mex.