In response to the global challenges posed by climate change and the accelerating destruction of coral reefs, numerous coral restoration techniques are under development. However, many current methods, utilizing plastic or metal devices and chemical adhesives are detrimental to the symbiotic ecological interplay of oceanic ecosystems and hinder the long-term regeneration of corals. In many cases, these «colonial» techniques are not connected to the living environment of the human coastal inhabitants and thus often do not promote an urgently needed social change in coastal communities.
The international project team of the «Symbiotic Coral Nurseries» (Colombia, France, Germany) initiated a pilot project spanning from January 2023 to March 2024. This project proposes the utilization of natural fibers and incorporates the social dimension of the local coastal community in the development of a marine conservation method. The «Symbiotic Coral Nurseries» represent a novel prototype utilizing innovative and symbiotic biomineralization techniques based on natural fibers and traditional artisanal crafts to promote coral conservation.
The Polynesian Biomimicry Institute (IPB), in collaboration with CRIOBE (CNRS) and the Colombian Biomimicry Institute (ICB), has been designing the preceding project «Biomim-For-Coral» (French Polynesia) since 2019. These nurseries, inspired by biomimicry, integrate natural materials, local knowledge, and traditional weaving techniques to enhance productivity and provide protection for coral during temperature fluctuations.
In 2023, following a project presentation at World Design Capital Valencia (Spain), the IPB partnered with design studio Rasa Weber, Paraiso Dive Center’s José Uparela, and Colombian designer Andry Carrasquilla to construct a symbiotic coral garden in the Bocachica region. This project aimed to create an ecological habitat for corals while supporting local artisanal work and collaborating with local divers for marine conservation. By working with experts like marine biologist Camilo Ulloa and local divers, the project fostered synergies between coastal communities and the life of corals.
After a year of preparation and a month of on-site fieldwork, the team led by Rasa Weber and François Briant produced and installed five comparative prototypes using bio-based materials such as bejuco wood, fiqué fibers, and coconut fibers. As a «hybrid nursery model» the fibers were in one case combined with a metal structure, as the basis for installing a Biorock system (Hilbertz & Goreau 1970), which is a widely used system in coral restoration. The accelerated biomineralization caused by the Biorock system was meant to counteract the rapid biodegradation of the natural fibers in order to stabilize the nursery system, as a similar result was already observed in an earlier IPB experiment as part of the «Biomim-For-Coral» project. The combination of natural fibers with the technology, its interaction with the Caribbean coral ecosystem and the local coastal community of Bocachica seeks to introduce a novel approach to the established restoration technology. While these materials showed promise for coral growth, their long-term stability remained uncertain. Especially in the face of environmental pressure of the Caribbean Heatwave 2023, as well as technical challenges, lack of budget and specific expertise in its installation hindered the long-term maintenance of the project.
Despite technological uncertainties, the «Symbiotic Coral Nurseries» project represents a profound exploration of the cultural and ecological connections between an indigenous craft tradition of the Mokaná group, with collaborators Ofelia and Jaime Torres from the village Paluato Atlántico and the local coral ecosystems. Moreover, it seeks to forge links between coastal communities from the village of Bocachica, with divers Laura Julio Racero and Javier Olmos, and marine restoration efforts. Considerations for sustainable tourism with Blue Apple Bay hotel added an economic dimension to the project’s long-term prospects.
Drawing from their collaboration and observed results, the Polynesian Biomimicry Institute (IPB) is developing further projects based on a new design and implemented methodology in Polynesia, La Réunion, and Cartagena to advance bio-based marine restoration methods, including the development and test of the initially envisioned «hybrid nursery models», while Rasa Weber continues her PhD project «SymbiOcean», focusing on designing prototypes and design anthropological analysis at the intersection of coastal communities, marine biology, and design in the creation of symbiotic marine habitat.
CREDITS: Diver laura Julio Racero during transplantation of Acropora cervicornis onto prototype of «Symbiotic Coral Nurseries» from Bejuco. Pilot projekt: Symbiotic Coral Nurseries.
Photo: Rasa Weber. Diver: Laura Julio Racero. Location: Tierra Bomba (COL), 2023.
Rasa Weber & Polynesian Institute of Biomimicry © 2024. All rights reserved.
Pilot Project: «Symbiotic Coral Nurseries.»
Design & Research: Polynesian Biomimicry Institute (IPB) & design studio Rasa Weber.
Project coordination: Rasa Weber & François Briant, CEO of IPB.
Design: Andry Carrasquilla & Rasa Weber.
Dive Coordination and Installation: José Uparela, CEO Paraiso Dive,
Artisans: Jaime & Ofélia Torres & Ofélia Torres Jr.
Locations: Village of Paluato Atlántico (COL)
Village of Bocachica (COL)
Cartagena (COL)
Marine Biology: Camilo Ulloa.
Dive team: François Briant
Andry Carrasquilla
Carolina Gracia
Lourdes Alonso Sanchez
Javier Olmos
Luis Diego Pevet M
Laura Julio Racero
José Uparela
Rasa Weber.
Date: January 2023 - March 2023.
PhD Project: «SymbiOcean». Funded by the Swiss National Science Fund research project: «Interfacing the Ocean».
Hosting University:
Zurich University of the Arts (CH) &University of Art and Design Linz (AT).
Photography: François Briant & Rasa Weber.
Camera: Rasa Weber.
Material: Bejuco Liana, Fiqué Fibre, Coconut Fibre, Steel wire for Biorock and «hybrid nursery models».
Grant Support:
Traveling Grant of the
University of Art
and Design Linz (AT)
& Transdisciplinary Artistic (ZHdK)
Extended Collaborators:
Blue Apple Beach Resort - CEO Portia Hart
«Matters of Activity». Cluster of Excellence. Humboldt University of Berlin
Weaving technique: Jaime Torres
Ofélia Torres
Ofélia Torres Jr.
Artisans from the Indigenous Group of the Mokaná at Paluato Atlantico
Rasa Weber & Polynesian Institute of Biomimicry © 2024. All rights reserved.
Video: François Briant.
HOSTING UNIVERSITY Zurich University of the Arts &
University of Art and Design Linz
SUPERVISORS Karmen Franinović (Interaction Design) &
Karin Harrasser (Cultural Studies)
RESEARCH ASSOC. Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence I Humboldt University of Berlin
COLLABORATORS Jordan Lab I Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour
STARESO: Station de Recherche Océanographiques et sous-marines I Calvi (FR)
TBA 21: Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary
BLUE: Multispecies Ethnographies for Oceans in Crisis (Aarhus University)
COLLABORATORS Polynesian Institute for Biomimicry (FR) I François Briant
Paraiso Dive Center (COL) I José Uparela
Curaçao Divers (ANT) I Mike Duss
Global Coral Reef Alliance I Prof. Dr. Thomas Goreau
Andry Carrasquilla - design (COL)
Ofelia & Jaime Torres - artisanal craft (COL)
Anja Wegner - marine biology (DE)
Zurich University of the Arts I
RESEARCH PERIOD Since 2022 ongoing.
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